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Educational Programs


Michael Laughing Fox’s educational program includes storytelling, poetry, drum song, and flute music played on a variety of flutes–each with their own history and sound. Students learn about Ojibwe culture and language, in a fun and engaging way. These teachings complement a wide variety of study, including music classes, language arts, social studies and history.

Class Room Demonstrations

Winter time is story time for the Anishinaabe people. A time when the elders from our communities come together to tell stories and teaching passed on from on generation to another. These stories have helped guild us through good times and bad. 

The first people’s have creation stories for everything out there, and Michael shares these stories in classrooms all over Turtle Island. 

The Native American Flute

The Native American courting flute has a long history. Early explores talk about whole villages having flutes being able to tell each other if they were coming for trade or to hunt. Even mimicking animals they were hunting. The oldest flute found was made out of the rib bone of a cave bear and is said to be between 30,000 - 60,000 years old. Michael carries a variety of different flutes made by different flute makers. Each one with its own story, its own spirit, and its own voice. Michael has been making, playing, and sharing the medicine of  the Native American courting flute for over two decades. 


Vermont, Burlington USA

Michael’s storytelling takes us on a journey through history, exploring the origins of North America’s first people. We talk about our connection to the natural world. Stories that focus on how much our plant and animal relatives have giving us so that we may survive and thrive here on Mother Earth. Stories that promote an environment of empathy and compassion. Fun stories like how the bear lost his tail, and why the raccoon wears a mask. Stories meant to entertain as well as educate. As most stories carry a deeper moral cultural values. How to treat each other and more often times then not how not to treat each other.

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