Performing Arts
Laughing Fox engages and delights diverse audiences with poetry, flute, drum, and storytelling performances that weave Native American teachings into a modern day context.
Traveling across Turtle Island (North America), Michael shares stories passed on from generation to generation—gifts from our spirits to help guild us. Working closely with communities to broaden knowledge of Native American history culture and music, Michael strives to bridge that cultural gap by celebrating our diversity and in doing so promoting unity. “It’s through our diverse voices we find our strength.”

Performances spaces vary as Michael works within public schools system through out Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Michael recently traveled to Vermont visiting some elementary school systems, sharing the creation stories and history of the first peoples of Turtle Island.
Michael started playing flute in the Northwoods of Wisconsin on the shores of Gichigami (Lake Superior) and after a few years would move to street corners of the neighboring community of Bayfield. When he performed he often captured the attention of pedestrians some of whom were educators and would invite Michael into their classrooms.
From those street conners to bus stops and airports. Laughing Fox would share the flute, always amazed of the effect if had on people. Noticing that the flute music transcended language and cultural barriers.
Inspired by the medicine of the flute and the people’s positive feedback Laughing Fox would go on to learn more about this amazing ancient healing instrument.
Cast for 7 Grandfather Teachings
Michael performances include the creation story of the flute, having over 20 in his collection from various flute makers, each one with its own voice its own song, its own spirit. Michael weaves flute music and traditional stories of the Anishinaabe/Chippewa people’s together in a historical cultural demonstration. Educational and entertaining, we follow the Ojibwe peoples past present and future.
Expressing a historical perspective few experience.
Since coming out of the woods he has performed on stages and theater’s all over Turtle Island and even performing as far away as York, England.
Michael Laughing Fox can be seen performing regularly at Big Top Chautauqua, located in Bayfield WI, as part of local historical musical shows, as a writer, performer, and musician.
Michael also has ongoing projects in Portland Maine, working closely with local Indigenous communities, telling our stories, promoting an environment of empathy and compassion. ( Currant show in development. (Queen Marinette)
Laughing Fox travels to Crazy Horse Memorial, South Dakota, were he take’s part in their cultural treasures program. Crazy Horses artist in resident program, and as one of Crazy Horses performers, telling stories and playing Native American flute music. (

Flute Duet, 7 Grandfather Teachings, Bayfield Wisconsin